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dr hab. Edward Kozłowski, prof. uczelni

Pokój 20 (łącznik w nowym Oxfordzie)
tel. (0) 81 538 4628



             Środa: 10:00 - 12:00


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Dr hab. Edward Kozłowski, prof. uczelni


Przebieg rozwoju naukowego:

  1. magisterium: 1996, Wydział Matematyki i Fizyki, UMCS
  2. doktorat: 2002, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, Warszawa Tytuł pracy doktorskiej: Optymalizacja portfela inwestycyjnego z uwzględnieniem kosztu informacji.
  3. habilitacja: 2019, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, Warszawa.

Zainteresowania badawcze:

Optymalne sterowanie adaptacyjne dla systemów stochastycznych z losowym horyzontem,

Modelowanie układów wspomagania decyzji i sterowania w warunkach niepewności.


Prowadzone zajęcia dydaktyczne:

Prognozowanie i symulacje, statystyka opisowa, statystyka matematyczna.


Dorobek naukowy - najważniejsze publikacje:

  • Anna Borucka, Edward Kozłowski, Piotr Oleszczuk, Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, The use of mathematical models describing the spread of Covid-19 in strategic state security management, European Research Studies Journal.- 2020, vol. 23, nr 3 Spec. Issue, s. 82-98 [MNiSW: 100]
  • Edward Kozłowski, Anna Borucka, Andrzej Świderski, Application of the logistic regression for determining transition probability matrix of operating states in the transport systems, Eksploatacja i Niezawodność-Maintenance and Reliability,  2020, vol. 22, nr 2, s. 192-200 [MNiSW: 100]
  • Edward Kozłowski, Dariusz Mazurkiewicz, Tomasz Żabiński, Sławomir Prucnal, Jarosław Sęp, Assessment model of cutting tool conditionfor reAl-time supervision system, Eksploatacja i Niezawodność-Maintenance and Reliability.- 2019, vol. 21, nr 4, s. 679-685 [MNiSW: 100]
  • Tomasz Rymarczyk, Grzegorz Kłosowski, Edward Kozłowski, Paweł Tchórzewski, Comparison of Selected Machine Learning Algorithms for Industrial Electrical Tomography,  Sensors.- 2019, vol. 19, nr 7, s. 1-23 [MNiSW: 100]
  • Tomasz Rymarczyk, Edward Kozłowski, Grzegorz Kłosowski and Konrad Niderla, Logistic Regression for Machine Learning in Process Tomography, Sensors.- 2019, vol. 19, nr 15, s. 1-19 [MNiSW: 100]
  • Kozłowski Edward, Kowalska Beata, Kowalski Dariusz, Mazurkiewicz Dariusz, Survival Function in the Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Reliability of Water Wells Operation, Water Resources Management.- 2019, vol. 33, nr 14, s. 4909-4909–492 [MNiSW: 100]
  • E. Kozłowski, Optymalne sterowanie dyskretnymi systemami stochastycznymi. Lublin, Politechnika Lubelska, 2018, s. 192.
  • E. Kozłowski, B. Kowalska, D. Kowalski, D. Mazurkiewicz, Water demand forecasting by trend and harmonic analysis, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2018, vol. 18, nr 1, s. 140-148.
  • T. Rymarczyk, G. Kłosowski, E. Kozłowski, A non-destructive system based on electrical tomography and machine learning to analyze the moisture of buildings, Sensors. 2018, nr 18, s. 3-21.
  • Ł. Sobaszek, A. Gola, E. Kozłowski, Application of survival function in robust scheduling of production jobs, Proceedings of the 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FEDCSIS) [WOS], Red. Ganzha Maria, M. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, New York: IEEE, 2017, s. 575-578. (Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2325-0348)
  • E. Kozłowski, D. Mazurkiewicz, B. Kowalska, D. Kowalski,  Binary linear programming as a decision-making aid for water intake operators, Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance – ISPEM 2017: proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance ISPEM 2017 [WOS],  Red. A. Burduk, D. Mazurkiewicz , Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018, s. 199 -208. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5357, nr. 637)
  • G. Kłosowski, E. Kozłowski, A. Gola, Integer linear programming in optimization of waste after cutting in the furniture manufacturing, Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance – ISPEM 2017: proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance ISPEM 2017, [WOS],  Red. A. Burduk, D. Mazurkiewicz, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018, s. 260-270. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5357; nr 637)
  • E., Kosicka, E. Kozłowski, D. Mazurkiewicz,  Intelligent systems of forecasting the failure of machinery park and supporting fulfilment of orders of spare parts, Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance – ISPEM 2017: proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance ISPEM 2017 [WOS], Red. Burduk, D. Mazurkiewicz, Cham, Switzerland Springer, 2018, s. 54-63. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5357; nr 637; nr 637)
  • E. Kozłowski, Optimal stopping areas for discrete time linear quadratic control problem, 22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR 2017) [WOS], New York: IEEE , 2017, s. 503-507.
  • E. Kozłowski, Optymalne sterowanie dyskretnymi systemami stochastycznymi, Lublin, Politechnika Lubelska, 2018, 192 s.
  • E. Kozłowski, B. Kowalska, D. Kowalski, D. Mazurkiewicz, Water demand forecasting by trend and harmonic analysis, Archives Of Civiland And Mechanical Engineering, 2018, nr 1, vol. 18, s. 140-148.
  • E. Kozłowski, Optimal stopping of controlled linear stochastic systems, MMAR 2016 - 21th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Międzyzdroje, Poland, 29 August – 1 September 2016, s. 272-277.
  • E. Kozłowski, Analiza i identyfikacja szeregów czasowych, Lublin: Politechnika Lubelska , 2015, 272 s.
  • E. Kozłowski, D. Mazurkiewicz, , The use of stationary tests for analysis of monitored residual processes , Eksploatacja i Niezawodność -Maintenance and Reliability, vol. 17(4), 2015, s.604-609.
  • E. Kozłowski, Optimal route determining for LQ problem with optimally stopped horizon , MMAR 2015 - 20th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, Międzyzdroje, Poland, 24-7 August 2015, s. 553-557.
  • E. Kozłowski, A. Gola, A. Świć, Model of production control in Just-in-Time delivery system conditions, Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, 38 (1), 77-88.
  • E. Kozłowski, A. Gola, A.Świć, M. Hajduk, W. Terkaj, A predective model of Multi-stage production planning for fixe time orders, Management and Production Engineering Review, 5(3), 23-32
  • T. Banek, E. Kozłowski, Deterministic versus stochastic in the free horizon LQC problem, Aktualne problemy automatyki i robotyki, pod red. K. Malinowskiego, J. Józefczyka, J. Świątka, Wrocław, 2014, s. 94-101.
  • E. Kozłowski, Stabilization of linear systems in random horizon via control , Control And Cybernetics - 2013, nr 2, vol. 42, s. 527-541
  • Tadeusz Banek, Edward Kozłowski, LQG monotone follower model of change control in turbulent environment, In: Tadeusz Trzaskalik and Tomasz Wachowicz (ed.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making '09. The Publisher of The University of Economics in Katowice 2010, pp. 11-30
  • Banek T., Kozłowski E., Active learning in discrete-time stochastic systems, In: Jerzy Jozefczyk and Donat Orski (ed.), Knowledge-based Intelligent System Advancements: Systemic and Cybernetic Approaches, 2010, pp.350-371.
  • Kozłowski E., Stochastic optimal control problem with random horizon, Recent Advances in Control and Automation, ed. Malinowski K., Rutkowski L., Polish Neural Network Society, Exit, Warsaw 2008, pp. 125-130.
  • Banek T., Kozłowski E., Adaptive control of system entropy, Control and Cybernetics, vol 35 (2006) No. 2, pp. 279-289.
  • Banek T., Kozłowski E., Active and passive learning in control processes application of the entropy concept, Systems Sciences, vol. 31, N.2, pp. 29 - 44.
  • Banek T., Kozłowski E., On an operational model of single investment selection with information cost., Control and Cybernetics, vol 32 (2003) No. 1, pp. 87-102.
  • Banek T., Kowalik P., Kozłowski. E., Numerical simulations of a portfolio selection model with information cost, Control and Cybernetics, vol 29(2000) No. 2., pp. 617-622.
  • Banek T., Kowalik P., Kozłowski. E., Portfolio selection model with information cost, Control and Cybernetics, vol 28 (1999) No. 1, pp. 89-99. 


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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020
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